Traditional globemaking crafted for tomorrow

Bespoke Globes

I specialise in creating bespoke globes tailored to your unique vision, blending the latest cartographic data with traditional craftsmanship. Each globe is meticulously crafted to reflect your personal story or interests, whether you seek a modern design or a historically inspired masterpiece.

Conservation & Restoration Services

J. Wright Globemaker expertly restores antique globes, breathing new life into these historical treasures. Through meticulous repair and replacement of damaged globes and their components, I ensure they regain their original functionality and charm whilst adhering to the highest conservation standards. With a deep understanding of the complex nature of antique globes, J. Wright Globemaker provides expert advice and care to preserve these invaluable artefacts.

  • Condition assessment provides a detailed evaluation of your globe’s materials, craftsmanship, and current state, identifying areas in need of conservation or restoration.

  • Globe conservation treatment involves a careful, systematic process of restoring and preserving the globe’s materials and structure, using specialised techniques to maintain its historical integrity and ensure its durability for future generations.

  • Documentation of globe conservation includes detailed records of the treatment process, materials used, and any changes made, ensuring a comprehensive history of the restoration work for future reference and preservation.

Approach & Ethos

Globes embody centuries of scientific and artistic endeavour. Each globe I create builds this legacy of craftsmanship, using the latest cartographic data and highest levels of accuracy, to ensure the traditions of globemaking remain relevant today. As historical documents, globes reveal the evolution of our understanding of the world and the universe. Beyond geography, they reflect the interests, knowledge, and aspirations of the people who made and used them.

Conservation and restoration play a key role in preserving this rich history. My work adheres to the highest conservation standards, sourcing original materials where possible and creating historically accurate components using traditional techniques. The conservation of globes has deepened my understanding of their construction, which informs the way I make globes today, ensuring they can be treasured for generations to come.